Reading - We are currently working on Unit 4 in reading. Students are working in historical fiction book club groups. As a class we are reading
Number the Stars by Lois Lowry. At the end of December, fourth graders were working on writing good summaries. Our current SMART goal is for all students to be able to write a good summary of their book club reading using the 'somebody, wanted, but, so, then' model. This coming week we will discuss symbolism and themes in our reading.
Writing- Students are creating a newspaper about their book club book. So far students have written the weather section which describes the mood of the book, the horoscope section which predicts the main character's future, and a person of the week section which describes the main character's traits. Next week we'll continue to work on an advertisement to match the symbolism in the book. Students will also write a main event section which will describe an important event in the book.
Math - We have been working on learning multiple strategies for multiplying 2-digit x 2-digit problems. So far kids have learned how to use a matrix (also called the box method), an expanded algorithm, and the standard algorithm. Our goal is to teach kids multiple strategies so they not only understand the process they are following, but they can choose a method that works best for them. Our next unit will be Topic 9 - Number Sense: Dividing by 1-Digit Divisors.
Science- We started our electricity unit before break and will continue the first 2 weeks in January. Students will have an opportunity to make circuits, test conductors and insulators, and make series and parallel circuits. Students will learn the difference between open and closed circuits, conductors & insulators, and series & parallel circuits. This is usually a favorite 4th grade unit!
Reporting Topics:
The student will:
- construct and diagram a complete electric circuit by using a source (e.g., battery), means of transfer (e.g., wires), receiver (e.g., fans, resistance bulbs, motors, fans) and observe the evidence of energy transfer in a closed series circuit (e.g., lit bulb, moving motor, fan).
- classify materials as conductors or insulators of electricity when placed within a circuit (e.g., wood, pencil lead, plastic, glass, aluminum foil, lemon juice, air, water).